Vibrational Energy Bracelets

These are lovingly handmade by The Wise Old Owl using a magical intuitive recipe of knots, numerology, colour therapy and the healing power of the crystal alongside Mother Earth herself, to help you on YOUR pathway.

How to recognize your bracelet...
Either the words jump out at you or the colour or you connect with both... Happy Days or should I say Happy Vibrations

How to use...
For right handed people, wear your bracelet on your left wrist, as your left hand is where you receive energy into your body, and it leaves your body through your right hand... for left handed people, do the opposite.
After all you are wanting to receive this beautiful energy, not give it away by wearing on your wrong wrist.

Caring for your bracelet...
Your bracelet works very hard for you, so when it feels a bit puffed or not so sparkly, thank it very much and give it a rest in the Ray's of sunlight and moonlight and enjoy all over again