Soul Shine - Aura Spray
Soul Shine - Aura Spray
Soul Shine - Aura Spray

Soul Shine - Aura Spray

Regular price $45.00
A little bottle of sunshine to lift your spirits and soothe your soul.
Helps to keep you in your happy bubble
Use when you are feeling...
overwhelmed, lost, alone, shattered, stressful, vulnerable or stuck in a rut.
When you want to feel...
Alive and joyous. A little boost of sunshine. Amplify your positively beautiful self. Feel balanced, harmony and peaceful. Strengthen your resilience to outside influences. Nourish, clear and protect your aura or brighten your perspective.
Ideal for...
A stressful day, difficult interactions, being around challenging people, difficult situations, feeling negative thoughts and feelings of others, boundaries have been crossed or stuck in a rut.
Healing Rosewater, Juniper essential oil, Bergamot essential oil, Neroli essential oil, Vibrational Essences.
These ingredents have been amplified by Amethyst, Tourmaline, Mookaite and Clear Quartz crystals embraced in this bottle.
Shake well before each use. Close your eyes and spray until your heart's content.